Listening With Understanding (Clifford Hill)
Listening With Understanding (Clifford Hill)
Listening is one of the most important parts of our relationship with God. Our ability to listen and receive instruction is what defines our lives as Christians. The Bible is alive with the voice of God and much emphasis is on the outworked consequence as to whether that voice is heard, heeded and acted upon. Recognising the voice of God is only the first step towards the act of 'listening'. Without confidently knowing the mind of Christ and interpreting correctly his voice, we cannot apply what we receive into decisive actions of faith.
Contained in this instruction book of 'listening is also the call to 'look'. The author explains how God opens our eyes to the world as if we are looking through His. It is a crucial part in the process of interpreting the signs of the times we live in. We are warned that without having this capacity to look, see, listen and understand that believers will be in danger of falling into complacency, deception and sin. However, if we 'listen', we can have the mind of Christ that will change our and others lives.