The 17 Stories Course Teacher’s Manual (OneHope)


17 Stories Is a unique tool created by OneHope that uses individual Bible Stories and the metanarrative of the Bible to reinforce the way each story in the Bible fits into the larger framework of God’s “Big Story”. When we refer to God’s Big Story, we are referring to the Metanarrative of scripture that means the Biblical story from creation to the death and resurrection of Jesus. So, once the children have completed the program, they would be familiar with 16 stories from the Bible in chronological order from the story of creation to the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Age: 6-12 Years Old

Program Outcomes. 17 Stories was designed to achieve the following Outcomes:

  1. Share the Gospel.
  2. Promote consistent attendance by children in a discipleship group.
  3. Explain the overarching theme of the Bible through chronological Bible storytelling.
  4. Teach and encourage children to retell Bible stories.