Developing A Culture Of Discipleship

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The ethos at the heart of this Short Course is one of growth of self and growth of others. Therefore the approach is to firstly establish the power of culture and the need for leaders to develop a culture of growth and development within and around themselves. Secondly, (and the bedrock of the course), a commitment to self-leadership and personal development, based on the Jesus model of Luke 2:52, culminating in the development of a Personal Development Plan. Thirdly, we move to team and how we can create a healthy culture of trust and engagement in those serving with us. Lastly, we look at how to engage, motivate and care for our volunteers. Volunteerism is the engine room of every local church and if it is to be truly missional, we must not only engage volunteers but nurture and support them. How can we motivate and maintain volunteerism within our churches, while at the same time ensuring they don’t burn out?

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